- 420 KilOjoULEs oF LUck
- 1½ spoonS DeGeNerAcY
- 69 PouNdS Grey mAtTeR
- 1 Autist LLM

Mix it all toGetheR In the vOlcaNo
for 6 miliseconds at 2200°F and . . .

- 420 KilOjoULEs oF LUck
- 1½ spoonS DeGeNerAcY
- 69 PouNdS Grey mAtTeR
- 1 Autist LLM

Mix it all toGetheR In the vOlcaNo
for 6 miliseconds at 2200°F and . . .

- 420 KilOjoULEs oF LUck
- 1½ spoonS DeGeNerAcY
- 69 PouNdS Grey mAtTeR
- 1 Autist LLM

Mix it all toGetheR In the vOlcaNo
for 6 miliseconds at 2200°F and . . .

- 420 KilOjoULEs oF LUck
- 1½ spoonS DeGeNerAcY
- 69 PouNdS Grey mAtTeR
- 1 Autist LLM

Mix it all toGetheR In the vOlcaNo
for 6 miliseconds at 2200°F and . . .